About the dialogues
Antwerp Dialogues bring together multiple stakeholders, including representatives from EU institutions, trade unions, industry, Member State governments and NGOs, to dive into specific aspects of the Antwerp Declaration for a European Industrial Deal. The dialogues examine questions around specific topic of the Antwerp Declaration. They aim to result in key points of consensus to support future decision making.
The conclusions reached in the Dialogues are only endorsed by the organisations explicitly named in relation to the specific Dialogue conclusions. Hosting a Dialogue does not imply endorsement of its outcomes by the stakeholders, unless the host co-signs the latter.
Past Dialogues
Antwerp Dialogue on EU Water Resilience Strategy – An opportunity for European competitiveness
Antwerp Dialogue on Enforcement at EU borders
Antwerp Dialogue on Market Pull Measures
Antwerp Dialogue on Financing the Double Twin Transition
Antwerp Dialogue on Trade
Antwerp Dialogue on Electrification and Competitiveness
Antwerp Dialogue on Quality Industrial Jobs in Europe
Antwerp Dialogue on Biotech
Antwerp Dialogue on Climate & Energy
Upcoming Dialogues
Want to host a dialogue?

Take the lead in hosting an Antwerp Dialogue and help shape the future of industry in Europe!
We invite you to first contact us to share your ideas and discuss the next steps.