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Antwerp Dialogue on Financing the Double Twin Transition

PAST DIALOGUES|24 September 2024|HOSTED BY WindEurope, Eurometaux, and Cefic

In his competitiveness report, Mario Draghi estimates the need for about 800 billion Euro annual investment for financing the transition.

This dialogue examined how Europe can deliver on the vast volume and speed needed for impactful financing of the transition. More specifically: 

  • Which of the proposals made by Draghi and/or in the Mission Letters to the new commissioners are most likely to deliver at scale?
  • Draghi requested to double the budget of Horizon Europe to 200 billion Euro. As scale ups of new technologies are needed should the increase of the budget of the Innovation Fund have a higher(er) priority?
  • What are the adequate risk reducing measures to make business cases for investments attractive in the EU?  What is the view of investors?
  • With less money than needed available does Europe need to focus on selective areas and which ones?
  • Should tax reforms play a role in financing the double twin transition? What can be expected from Member States?


About the outcomes

Any conclusion published in relation to this Dialogue is only endorsed by the signatories explicitly named. Hosting a Dialogue does not imply endorsement of its outcomes by the participants or any other Antwerp Declaration signatory, unless specifically stated.

Coordinated By Cefic

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